Pier Costantini

A narration by images, where the author shows for the first time, the everyday life in the Abruzzo welcome centers, the dignity of people that goes beyond the poverty of places and goods, faces, expressions of pride, joy, serenity, of who with difficulty and strength want to rebuild a new belonging.

Pier Costantini (1975) is an Italian photographer, based in Milan.
His work deals with current social issues, but also intimate and personal, through a subjective approach of continuous research. Pier’s projects create bridges, connections between men, in a constant comparison with his origins. Through his gaze he expresses and visualizes experiences, transforming them into something illusory linear and diversified by placing if and time in a perception of change. He always likes to say that his photograph fills a void. Pier arrived late to photography, after graduating in Law. He begins to photograph and study, as a self-taught, as often happens, relying then on internationally renowned tutors. His photography pulses, is alive and culminates the intimate and personal path, with a photographic project: “CIBO” (now a book), with which he was a finalist at the 2018 Voglino Prize for Ethical Photography, and joined the Italian Collection 2018 (platform dedicated to all the talented Italian authors of our artistic community).
The following year he presented at the 2019 Voglino Prize for Ethical Photography, the project “01.01”; a report on an extraordinary house in Abruzzo, where it tells, in images, the everyday life, the stories and the dignity of people; beyond the poverty of places and goods, faces, expressions of pride, joy, serenity, of those who with effort and strength want to rebuild a new belonging.
More info
Cibo. Hoepli Milano. 2019
Exhibitions & Screenings
2019. “Sottopelle”, collective exhibition. Pescara
2017. “Street Sans Frontières”, “Imagenation”. Espace Des Arts Sans Frontieres, Paris.
2016. “Trieste Photo Days”, Urban 2016, Airport FVG, Trieste
2016. “Eyes on the World”, “Imagenation”. Fortezza Nuova, Livorno