• Martino Lombezzi


Resolution 808

As the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has finished its activites at the end of 2017, “Resolution 808” gives an insight into this institution, that during the 25 years of its existence was normally closed to the public. We had exclusive access to the Evidence Unit of the Office of the Prosecutor, where 14,000 artifacts from the war are stored.The project gives the viewers a glimpse into the place where war criminals like Milosevic, Karadzic and Mladic were prosecuted – and where history was made.

The Piave Legend

I traveled the Piave from its source to its mouth, looking on its banks for the remains of a distant myth, which has yet reached our days almost unchanged. Today groups of reenactors play micro representations of the great battles of the past. What remains after the battle? A real trench, dug to fight a fake battle in the same place where the real one was fought, of which today we have lost all traces. History, reinterpreted and manipulated, marks the banks of the Piave again.

Blue Line

The July 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah of was only the latest episode in a series of conflicts that have plagued this region from 1978 onwards. Today nothing seems to have changed since that hot summer. The conflict is frozen in a tense stasis. The Blue Line marks the boundary between the two countries: a line that runs up and down hills and bare and stony mountains for one hundred and twenty kilometers, in many places still undefined. The images build a relationship between very close but opposite places, on the two sides of the barrier.


Born in Genoa in 1977. Raised in Milan, he lives and works in Bologna.
In the editorial field he cooperated with many national and international magazines, with portrait and reportage commissions. His documentary projects focus on the themes of memory and identity. He worked in Italy, the Balkans and the Middle East. Among his projects: “Crepe”, about the earthquake in L’Aquila. Together with photographers Simone Donati and Emanuele Cremaschi he curated “Italian Party”, a triptych of their work on Italian politics, shown during “Fotoleggendo 2010” festival in Rome. “Una giornata estiva”, a large project including photography and video about the survivors of the 1980 Bologna Station massacre, was produced for the 30th anniversary. In 2017, thanks to “Foto Forum” gallery in Bolzano, the project was expanded and restyled: the subsequent exhibition toured different locations in the Bolzano autonomous province and beyond. In 2015 he produced the documentary “Rapido 904 – the Christmas massacre”, on the mafia attack of 23 December 1984. Since 2017 he has been working on “Resolution 808”, a large project on the legacy of the International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, conceived in partnership with journalist Jorie Horsthuis. Lombezzi teaches documentary photography at Spazio Labo’ school in Bologna.

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2018. “Resolution 808”, New Visions – Cortona on the Move 2018, selection
2018. “Resolution 808”, Athens Photo festival, selection
2018. “Resolution 808”, GRIN 2018, selection
2015. “Rapido 904 – the Christmas massacre” documentary. First prize Filmare la storia by the National Ci-nematographic Archive of the Resistance
2013. “Blue Line. The border between Lebanon and Israel”. Aftermath project 2013, shortlisted

Exhibitions & Screenings

2017. “Resolution 808”, Atrium Cityhall.The Hague, Holland
2017. “Resolution 808”, Rovinj Photodays Festival. Rovigno, Croatia
2017. “Resolution 808”, Diplomacy Festival. Rome, Italy
2017. “Resolution 808”, Human Rights Nights Festival. Forlì, Italy
2017, “Una giornata estiva”. Bolzano, Italy
2013. “Blue Line. The border between Lebanon and Israel”. Les Rencontres d’Arles screening. Arles, France
2010. “Remains. Traces of World War II”, solo exhibition, History Festival. Bologna, Italy
2010. “Una giornata estiva”, Hall of Sala Borsa library. Bologna. Italy
2010. “Una giornata estiva”, European Parliament. Bruxelles, Belgium
2009. “Crepe”, Reportage Atri Festival. Atri, Italy
2009. “Crepe”, Domestic. Barcelona, Spain