Frontera Sur

Frontera Sur is multi-platform project that aims to recount the migratory phenomenon around the European southern border. Gianfranco Tripodo utilizes pictures, videos and audio interviews in order to tell the path that many migrants, mostly from the sub-saharan african region, undertake to enter into the two exclaves of Ceuta and Melilla. This long term project is a direct proof of the circumstances that have happened during the last years around the fence that divides Europe and Africa and it tells the stories of the many people who have tried, and sometimes succed, to pass the border.

Frontera Sur is multi-platform project that aims to recount the migratory phenomenon around the European southern border. Gianfranco Tripodo utilizes pictures, videos and audio interviews in order to tell the path that many migrants, mostly from the sub-saharan african region, undertake to enter into the two exclaves of Ceuta and Melilla. This long term project is a direct proof of the
circumstances that have happened during the last years around the fence that divides Europe and Africa and it tells the stories of the many people who have tried, and sometimes succed, to pass the border.