Luca Santini
8,704,544 is the number of pigs present in June 2018 in Italian farms. These animals are sent to the slaughterhouse when they reach 100/150 kg in about 8/12 months, with an average growth of about 700 grams per day thanks to enriched soy-based feed. 2,249,722 is the number of Friesian cows reared in Italy. Like all mammals, cows produce milk only after giving birth, which is why the animals are repeatedly artificially impregnated. Therefore passing from 17 liters per day in 1985 to today they produce about 30, therefore almost double. There were 37,261,188 laying hens reared in Italy in 2017, of which only 8% of these reared biological outdoors.
LGBTQ Community of Taiwan
Taiwan is a small island in the southeast of China, and is the most advanced country in terms of LGBTQ rights throughout Asia. In fact, in May 2017 the idea of approving marriages between people of the same sex was seriously considered, with the deadline being this May. On May 17 2019, Taiwan officially became the first country across the continent to legalize same-sex marriages. To document this story, I landed in Taipei in March 2019 and returned later in October, I immediately chose to focus on people, portraying them in a domestic environment to create intimacy between me and the subjects. By deliberately omitting everything else, I have portrayed them emerging from the darkness by beams of light, directing the attention of those who look towards their faces, their looks, their stories.
The circus appears today as something extremely old, with an ancient, almost anachronistic flavor. Yet it is so current, being the emblem of a reality that goes beyond any frontier, multiethnic and globalized. The Vassallo are a historical circus family of the Italian panorama that since the 1930s has been carrying on with pride, but also with great difficulties, its history made of bright clothes, exotic animals and itinerant houses throughout Italy and in most parts of Europe. The lives of these artists are made of joys and countless sacrifices: nomads par excellence, they are always looking for something without having a defined goal.
Luca Santini was born in Rome in 1992.
He approached photography in 2014, by enrolling in the three-year Master at the Scuola Romana di Fotografia e Cinema. After, he became the assistant of Paolo Pellegrin, collaborating in the publication of his book “Paolo Pellegrin – An Anthology”.
Luca is mainly focused on long-term personal projects, with a specific attention on wide-ranging social, environmental, and anthropological issues. In 2020 he just released his first book, “Blue”, a four-handed work with Matteo Natalucci, enriched by the text of Wu Ming 2.
Rome, Italy
More info
BLUE. Selfpublish. 2020
2021. Circus. Italian Street Photo Festival, finalist
2021. Delta. World Water Day Photo Contest, shortlisted
2020. LGBTQ Community of Taiwan. Prix de la Photographie, honorable mention
2020. LGBTQ Community of Taiwan; Kolga Tbilisi Photo 2020, shortlisted
2019. LGBTQ Community of Taiwan; Italy Photo Award, Italian Collection
2019. Selected by the Eddie Adams WS XXII, New York
2019. LGBTQ Community of Taiwan; Lugano Photo Days 2019, finalist
2019. Ludus Maximus; Prix de la Photographie – State of the World, winner
2018. CIRCUS. Lugano Photo Days 2018, finalist
2018. BLUE. Umbria World Fest 2018, honorable mention
Exhibitions & Screenings
2020. BLUE. Leporello bookshop. Rome, Italy
2020 – Diary at the time of the Coronavirus. Contrasto Collective Exhibitions at Lector in Fabula Festival. Conversano, Bari, Italy
2020. BLUE. Mole Vanvitelliana. Ancona, Italy
2020. Ludus Maximus. State of the World. Okinawa, Japan
2019. Ludus Maximus. State of the World. Espace Beaurepaire. Paris, France